Sanjeev Khanna

Sanjeev Khanna

Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

Address: Room 419, Amy Gutmann Hall
3333 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Research Interests

My primary research interests are in the design and analysis of algorithms for combinatorial optimization and in
complexity theory. My research has been supported by
National Science Foundation, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship,
and a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Professional Activities

Program Committees: STOC 2023, FSTTCS 2021, STOC 2020, EC 2018, HALG 2018, APPROX 2017, NETECON 2017, ITCS 2016,
STOC 2015, SODA 2013 (Program Chair), EC 2012, STOC 2012, FSTTCS 2011, ICS 2011, COCOON 2010, ICS 2010, SODA 2010,
ICDT 2009, SODA 2007, APPROX 2004 (Program Chair), STOC 2003, APPROX 2002, SODA 2002, STOC 2000, APPROX 2000,
SWAT 1998.

I serve on the Editorial board of
Journal of the ACM (JACM) and Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. I have previously served on the editorial boards of SICOMP, ACM TALG, Algorithmica, JCSS, and as an area editor for Encyclopaedia of Algorithms.


Some of my papers.

Current and Past Students

Ashwin Padaki
Krish Singal
Junkai Song
Nathan White
Huan Li
Prathamesh Patil
Yu Chen (National University of Singapore)
Sepehr Assadi (University of Waterloo)
Yang Li (Facebook)
Sudeepa Roy (Duke University)
Tanmoy Chakraborty (Facebook)
Anand Bhalgat (Google)
Stanislav Angelov (Google)
Wang-Chiew Tan (Facebook)

Postdocs Supervised

Grigory Yaroslavtsev (George Mason University)
Deeparnab Chakrabarty (Dartmouth College)
Julia Chuzhoy (Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago)